Creating Timeless Masterpieces

Expertly crafted photos and videos that stand the test of time

Photoshop Presets

Effortless photo enhancements. Transform your images with ease.

Lightroom Presets

Instant photo upgrades. Elevate your photography in one click.

Lightroom Brushes

Precision editing tools. Perfect your images with finesse.

Photo Market

Visual treasures at your fingertips. Discover captivating assets for your projects.

Editing & Album Design Service

Memories turned into art. Let us craft your photo stories.

Find Editor

Your editing partner awaits. Connect with the perfect match for your project.

Magical Sunset Portrait Session on the Beach

I had the pleasure of photographing a beautiful couple during a stunning sunset on the beach. The warm golden light created a magical and romantic atmosphere, which perfectly complemented the couple’s love for each other. With the ocean as our backdrop, we captured a variety of candid and posed shots that truly showcased their unique personalities and connection. From intimate moments to playful laughter, this session was a joy to capture, and I’m thrilled with the final results. Please take a moment to check out the photos from this unforgettable session in my portfolio.


Collection 1

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Collection 2

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Collection 3

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Collection 4

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Portrait Perfection($3)
Vintage Film($3)
Camera Raw Presets($3)

Uditha’s talent, personality, and attention to detail made our wedding photos stunning. Highly recommend for lasting memories. – Sarah B.

Uditha’s professionalism, creativity, and collaboration delivered exceptional commercial photos that exceeded expectations. Highly recommend for brand essence. – John T.

About Me

Hello, I’m Uditha Gunawardana, a passionate photographer and videographer.I specialize in capturing life’s beautiful moments and turning them into cherished memories. Whether it’s a wedding, portrait, or commercial project, my goal is to provide high-quality and personalized services that exceed my clients’ expectations. Thank you for visiting my website, and please feel free to explore my portfolio and services.